Saturday, May 5, 2007

Women education - learning today for a better tomorrow!

Women play so many different roles during her life. A woman’s life is thought to be a celebration of contributions she makes in every aspect of life: at home, on the job, in their communities, as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, learners, workers, citizens and leaders. Whether it is while playing with their children in the park, or washing clothes in a river, or taking a break at the office water cooler, everywhere they come together and talk about their aspirations and concerns and time and again, the talk turns to children and families. However different they may be, there is far more that unites them than divides them across the globe. They share a common future. It is integral to find common ground so that they may help bring new dignity and respect to women all over the world - and in doing so, bring new strength and stability to families as well. It would be an understatement to say that this common ground includes the men in their lives too. A woman's struggle is not so much her own or just for the female community, it is a humanistic struggle. It is for the betterment and development of mankind on the whole on earth.
It still is a debatable issue whether the lives of women and girls matter to economic and political progress around the globe. What we need to focus around the world is that if women are healthy, educated and free from violence their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations will flourish. That is why every woman, every man, every child, every family, and every nation on our planet has a stake in the struggle for gender equality. Women are the primary caretakers for most of the world's children and elderly. Yet much of the work we do is not valued. Those of us who know how to read and write should be able to voice their opinion and lead the way for the ones who cannot.
Women education has definitely helped women to be more informative and more understanding. It has shown its effects both in the backward classes as well as modern ladies. Women education has brought about a vast change in the whole society and in the whole world. They are more independent now, they look at life in a totally different way, and they have learned to analyze things in the right manner and take their own decisions and execute them. Whatever they say and feel have weight in them and are considered by anyone and everyone. Women education has brought out the importance and the knowledge they hold in them .The outlook has changed not only in the higher society but also in the lower and underprivileged society. Issues such as dowry, sati, and discrimination though not completely extinct have taken a back seat in society. Women have learnt to protect themselves and live a life with their heads up. Their opinions are voiced better now and heard.
Whether a male or a female, black or white, education changes everyone’s life and their status, the more you know the more you gain. The more you learn the more you value yourself the more you are valued by other people. Education boosts up the self esteem in every person, and that’s what it is doing to every educated women. Certainly it has brought about a great change for the better of women folks. It has freed them from the bondage of men .The outlook and career prospects that education has given them is the kind of economic independence that is necessary for them to breathe a fresh air into their lives. Men can no longer use them for their selfish needs and mistreat them. Educated women no longer have to depend on others to help them in things, they don’t have to extend their arm and beg for money to fulfill their needs or the needs of the family.
Young women entering today’s workforce have much more opportunities than previous generations. Not only are more women working but as a matter of fact they occupy more senior high paying jobs than even before due to the improvement in their education. They have moved from typing tools and school rooms all the way to the competitive corporate world where the fittest of all survives. Today’s educated women are ready to accept all kind of challenges in their path. Whether in the corporate world or society or the political world they seem to be very strong in every field. Even poor people and backward people of the society are looking forward to the idea of education in order to give them a moral boost so that they can earn themselves a living the right way .
But as it is said where there is gain there is pain. Despite the education and career for women, they continue to bear the brunt of domestic chores. Still in some parts of the world women are being mistreated. In some places they are not being allowed education. Still women are considered second citizen. Women education and women can bring about a vast change in the society, country and the world for good if given the right opportunity. We as human beings should protect the sole interests of every woman. Education is a must for every woman!
Written By: Pooja Churiwalla, Head Teacher, Kangaroo Kids, Kolkata

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